Consular Corps, Remote Area, Snow Vehicle, Dealer, Repair and Vintage Auto
Consular Corps
Snow Vehicle
Snow Vehicle
Western Tools
RA regular
RA blank sticker
RA no sticker
RA Regulated
RA Limited Use
RA truck
  • A special series of Snow Vehicle licence plates was introduced in 1938 for use on large, specialized snow vehicles heavier than 454KG that were equipped with tractor treads/skis rather than wheels. A typical example was the timeless, classic Bombardier snow bus operated by commercial fishermen accessing lakes via regular roadways. Snow Vehicle plates featured an S prefix until 1997 when they changed to regular passenger plates with a distinguishing "SV" sticker. After 80 years of issuance, SV plates were eliminated from the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) in 2019 and replaced with ORV plates.
  • Vintage Auto plates were introduced in 1967 for use on antique (at least 30 years old) cars, trucks and buses in parades, repair movements and other rallies in accordance with permission by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles. The initial batch of plates was produced by Western Tools on the 1960s-era black on white base and numbered 100-999. The 900 series plates had a slot for 1960s-era date tabs. It took almost 40 years until the mid-2000s to finally exhaust that first batch of 900 plates. The next batch of Vintage Auto plates was made by Waldale in the early-2000s, maintained the same overall painted black on white plate format and used the number range 1500-2999. The 2023 high #2177 shows how issuance of these plates has slowed considerably since the 2014-introduction of Collector plates.
  • Remote Area (RA) plates made their debut in 1975 for vehicles operated only in northern communities isolated from the main highway network. Vehicles with RA plates are not insured for use on connected roads, making them marginally useful. Today, there are only a few hundred RA plates in use at any time and most of those are in Churchill. Only about half the vehicles registered in Churchill use RA plates. Virtually all vehicles in the other eligible communities (mostly First Nations reserves) use regular passenger plates. This allows drivers the flexibility to legally use the main highway network. Residents of those communities can ship their vehicle south by rail or drive to the network over temporary ice roads during the short February-March winter road season. Current series RA plates were produced from RA 1000-5000 in 1997 and only reached the mid-4300-series in 2023. These have been documented with class stickers T, R and LU as well as all regular date and blank stickers.
  • Consular Corps number range on this base started at CC 451 in 1997 and have only reached the late-500 series by 2024.
  • Yellow Collector vehicle plates were introduced in 2014 for cars and motorcycles which are more than 25 years old and most typically operate in the spring and summer seasons. They are available for a discounted insurance rate and have proven very popular among classic vehicle owners. Regular series Collector plates have a CL prefix and can also be personalized. The original batch of plates was made up to CL05000 and initially numbers could be chosen out of sequence. This practice was quickly banned by MPI, but two circa-2014 observed examples of early chosen numbers are CL04965 and CL04420. The regular series finally caught up to the 4000-series in 2018 and number CL10000 was reached in 2023.


© updated 8-20-24

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